‘The Price is Right’ makes a VERY SAD announcement and fans criticizes it
‘The Price is Right’ Fans Notice Games Being Pushed Out
Is ‘The Price is Right’ Phasing Out These Games?
The Price is Right via YouTube
Is The Price is Right starting to phase out certain games? Some fans certainly suspect as much.
It has been months since we’ve seen certain games. For example, one Reddit user noticed that TPIR doesn’t use the game Safe Crackers very anymore. In Safe Crackers, two prizes are shown to the contestant inside a huge safe on set. One of the prizes has three digits for its price. The three numbers are shown to the contestant in the form of a combination on the safe. The player must put the numbers in the correct order to guess to price and win the prizes in the safe. After picking the numbers, they have to turn the handle to see if the safe opens. If it does, they win.
“First thing I want to say is that it’s been two months since Safe Crackers was played and something is telling me that they plan to retire it,” the Reddit user said.
“I recall seeing it in use this season, so who knows if they’re winding down its use?” a fan replied.
“Most likely a props storage issue. They have very limited storage space, and Safe Crackers is a massive set to have to transport from the storage facility 2 miles away,” another said.
However, one fan wrote that Safe Cracker was “definitely on recently.”
The second thing that the original Reddit poster pointed out was that the train and tugboat aren’t used anymore when it is time to make a bid. The tugboat and train were added to the game show in May 1984 when Bob Barker hosted. The models would simply ride out on a train and show off the item up for bid as the other one drove the vehicle. Sometimes it was a boat, sometimes it was a train.
Since Drew Carey has taken over as host, the apparatuses do not seem to be used as much. Instead, the models will show off the products behind curtains or simply on the stage. But, they have been used a few times during the Carey era.
“They should have gotten rid of the train a long time ago, to be honest,” a Reddit user said.
“The tugboat is really old. I have seen the train reappear a few times recently, which found me surprised,” said another.
“If you ever watch old episodes with Bob, it’s amazing how frequently they used the train. Seems like it was used two or three times during a week’s worth of episodes,” another wrote.
The reason for the train and tugboat being discontinued could be due to an error that happened earlier in February. The contestants bid on an espresso machine, a thermal programmable coffee maker, and a coffee bean grinder by Cuisinart that were being pulled out on a flatbed by The Price is Right train.
The train flew onto the stage and came to a sudden stop. As announcer George Grey revealed the prizes, one of the models showed them off. As the camera panned back to Carey and the contestants to start bidding, off-screen a loud crash happened. All of the prizes had fallen off the train and broke into little pieces.
“Won’t be seeing the train again,” Carey quipped.
The Price is Right has had over 75 games since its inception in 1972. Some of the most popular ones are Plinko, Dice Game, Cliff Hangers, and Hole in One.
The Price Is Right, Weekdays, 11/10c, CBS